Design for Resilience
Service Design, Innovation & Foresight Studio
on the shores of the North Atlantic
Navigating the complex challenges facing Atlantic Canada requires innovative research, global perspectives and systems change skills. We build your capacity to deliver innovative experiences and services, while creating social and environmental value for generations.
What We Do
Human Centered Design
Human-centered design is a problem-solving process grounded in empathy and iteration. It’s also a powerful framework for creating alignment among people from diverse backgrounds and turning ideas into action. Learn how to listen and observe, to turn your insights into actionable prototypes and to implement products and services using this methodology.

Designing Service Delivery Systems
Delivering quality services at scale requires strong processes based on on-going user experiences and data, while managing change inside an organisation.
Community Engagement for Social Behaviour Change
Large-scale behaviour change is needed in order to support communities in adopting healthier practices and social norms. Engaging communities through participatory and creative approaches requires careful planning and strategies.

Strategic Foresight
Strategic Foresight isn’t about prediction. It is a process that explores possibilities and looks for options. Foresight helps us imagine many possible ways things could be different in the future, so we can better understand how to act in the present.

Let's Work Together!
Are you looking to design, test or implement innovative products or services to tackle social good? Do you need support to undertake innovative research with actionable insights? Are you looking to prepare your organization to tackle complex challenges? Get in touch!
Upcoming Events
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Land Acknowledgement
WABISABIJETTY is an immigrant, woman-owned and rural-based social entreprise.
We respectfully acknowledge the territory in which we gather as the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk, and the island of Newfoundland as the ancestral homelands of the Mi’kmaq and Beothuk. We would also like to recognize the Inuit of Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut and the Innu of Nitassinan, and their ancestors, as the original people of Labrador. We strive for respectful relationships with all the peoples of this province as we search for collective healing and true reconciliation and honour this beautiful land together.